Tag Archives: anti-oxidants

These Villains are damaging your skin: Part 1

If we want to look at our anti-aging practices from an informed and discerning perspective, it’s good to know what’s going on in there that causes wrinkles (and other not-so-fun manifestations of skin aging). So far, we know about three main things that happen in the skin when damage is caused…here’s one:

The Production of Evil Villain #1: ROS, aka Reactive Oxygen Species

Free radicals: A bull in the china shop (of your skin) at theproductpro.wordpress.com

Free radicals: A bull in the china shop (of your skin)

ROS: These little oxidative destructors are also known as free radicals. When they’re produced by damage, they are missing an electron – so they’ll tazmanian-devil through otherwise stable molecules wreaking all kinds of havoc.

Throughout this mission of destruction, they are looking to steal an electron for themselves, causing those other normal cells to become free-radicals, too. This chain reaction of destruction and theft leads to inflammation, damage, and the cross-linking of collagen and elastin (wrinkles!!)

What should I do, you ask? The best product-related helpers are antioxidants and sunscreens, which both help prevent the formation in the first place, and help neutralize the offenders. (Picture a knight in shining armor, swinging a sword at an evil free radical… and read more about those here!)

Antioxidant products at Theproductpro.com

Antioxidants are your night in shining armor: Let’s Go Fight the Good Fight! (click for more on anti-oxidants)

More on those villains later, and until next time, Stay Fabulous My Friends!

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